F. Sionil Jose: The Man’s Search for Social Justice Through Literature

At the age of 97, F. Sionil Jose has finished the epilogue to a life dedicated to literary greatness. A mainstay in Filipino literature, he has wri...

Your Ultimate Guide to Bookstagram in the Philippines

The love of books is now going digital with the rise of select niches in different social media platforms, like BookTube – a YouTube subset consist...

Check Out Our Review of Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham

When it comes to classic children’s books, Dr. Seuss is one of the most ubiquitous names around the world, with millions of children growing up to ...

Best Get Rich Books You Need to Add to Your Bookshelves

Each one of us dreams of being successful in our chosen career paths, whether by achieving a specific threshold for a skillset or by becoming finan...

What Is Booktube, and What Are You Missing?

Jentri Fule

December 20 , 2021

What Is Booktube, and What Are You Missing?

If you’ve been putting off the habit of reading for the longest time, you’re probably a bit intimidated and at a loss on how you can get back to re...

Check out our summary and review of Po-On before you hit Checkout!

Buwan ng Wika may be over, but it is never too late to pick up a good book by a local author. In a time where many of us pick our international rea...

Summary, Review, and Favorite Quotes from the Plague by Albert Camus

For many of us grappling with this pandemic, there is a certain sense of mundane struggle in the humdrum of our everyday. People around the world a...

How to Start a Reading Challenge

Jentri Fule

November 17 , 2021

How to Start a Reading Challenge

There three types of bookworms in the world: 1) someone who re-reads all their favorite titles over and over again, 2) someone who reads 1 or 2 new...

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: Summary and Review

Ever wondered if Napoleon Hill is right -- that you can really think and grow rich? If so, you're not alone. Many success-driven professionals like...