Your Ultimate Guide to Bookstagram in the Philippines

The love of books is now going digital with the rise of select niches in different social media platforms, like BookTube – a YouTube subset consisting of video creators focused on encouraging the reading culture – and BookTok – a subcommunity of Tiktok that reviews books and promotes the joy of reading. Another rising community of book lovers in this digital age comes from Instagram, aptly called Bookstagram. But first, let’s define what Bookstagram is, and why book lovers are raving about this community.


What Is Bookstagram?


Bookstagram refers to a specific niche in Instagram that caters to the love of books and the reading culture worldwide, regardless of genre and reading preferences. What’s great about Bookstagram is that you can easily track Bookstagram accounts online through their use of the eponymous Instagram hashtag: #Bookstagram.

You can find thousands of Bookstagram accounts specializing in different genres, from romance and young adult fiction to fantasy and non-fiction. What’s great about Bookstagram creators is that they usually find the most creative ways to make their selections of books beautiful, making you a bit more motivated to add the books they’re reviewing to your own bookshelves.


Four Filipino Bookstagram Accounts to Follow


Are you curious about what Bookstagram is, and you’d want to experience it firsthand by following a few of the best Bookstagram creators in the Philippines? You’re in luck because we’ve compiled a short list of Filipino creators you should follow as your introduction to Bookstagram.


  1. Pages

A self-confessed bookworm and part of the BTS Army, Alexx mans one of the best Bookstagram accounts with a focus on young adult fiction, fantasy, and general fiction. What’s great about Alexx is that she discusses the books she’s read without giving too much information, giving you enough leeway to know whether a book is enjoyable and worth your time – not to mention her page features a very lively and cute color theme.


  1. ___bookish

A young graphic designer from the Philippines, Nikki chronicles her reading habits with beautiful aesthetic photos of her most recent reads, along with in-depth and very comprehensive reviews that can help you decide whether the book she read fits into your interests. If you like literary fiction and classics written by women, give Nikki a follow at her Bookstagram page: @___bookish


  1. ThirdWorldBookNerd

If you’re looking for advice about where to buy cheap books online in the Philippines or how to fuel your reading habit with low-cost bookshops, Third World Book Nerd can help you. With content on both Instagram and YouTube, you can easily go through her content for book recommendations and ideas for your next book haul.


  1. BryanHoardsBooks

Do you like browsing aesthetically pleasing Instagram pages, but at the same time you’d want to find books to add to your growing reading list? BryanHoardsBooks is a perfect Bookstagram account to follow, with his extremely coherent color palette that’s to die for. Find a sense of belonging with his regular reading updates as well as book recommendations for young adult, sci-fi and fantasy genres.


Here’s How You Can Start Your Own Bookstagram


If you’re an Instagram-savvy book lover, starting a Bookstagram may be a good idea if you want to be part of a highly collaborative and interactive community centered on the love of books. However, you might be wondering how to start your Bookstagram account. To help you, we’ve compiled Bookstagram tips and ideas so you can start planning today:


  1. Come up with a catchy Bookstagram handle

Your Instagram handle is the first thing that your readers or followers are going to see, so it needs to have a fantastic recall. If you can, go for a witty Bookstagram handle or at least something that your followers will easily remember.


  1. Choose your niche or genre

Whether you want to post about a specific genre or want to focus on reviewing your most recent book reads, you need to decide before you start your Bookstagram account. This will help you stay on the right path without straying too far from your initial goal of promoting the reading culture. This will also help you connect better with your followers since they would always know what to expect when they see you on their Instagram feed or when they visit your Bookstagram page.


  1. Post high-quality photos

Instagram is a highly visual social media site, with content highly dependent on images and pictures. To keep your followers engaged and your Bookstagram page looking the best, make sure that you’re only choosing high-quality pictures. Maybe you’d want to have a consistent color palette, or you’d want to make use of creative flat lays – it really depends on your preference.


  1. Learn how to schedule posting

To keep followers updated with your reading progress, it’s best that you be as consistent as possible when posting on your Bookstagram page. Not only will this help you communicate better with your followers and your community, but this also keeps your page as active as possible.


  1. Communicate with your Bookstagram community

Don’t be afraid to communicate with your followers whenever they comment on your posts or when they have questions about certain books, or they’d just want to ask for advice on how to read books effectively. By communicating with your community, you might even get a few creative Bookstagram ideas you can use for your future posts.


Fuel Your Bookstagram Plans With

If you’re planning on starting a Bookstagram page, there’s no doubt that you’re one of the proponents of the global reading culture. We at understand how the love of books can connect people, whether in person or in the digital world. This is why we are dedicated to providing Filipinos a chance to feed their reading habits with accessible and affordable books that they can get delivered anytime, anywhere in the country.

So, if ever you decide on starting this Bookstagram journey, we will be more than happy to accompany you and give you access to some of the best book titles out there.