Best Get Rich Books You Need to Add to Your Bookshelves

Each one of us dreams of being successful in our chosen career paths, whether by achieving a specific threshold for a skillset or by becoming financially independent and comfortable. However, becoming successful is highly dependent on numerous things, like habits, perspective, and opportunities. And what better way to build grit and positive habits than by reading the best get rich books and exposing yourself to knowledge that will help elevate your life?

If you’re curious about what books you need to be reading, we’ve compiled some of the best get rich book titles, from books that help build habits to books about business success, that you can add to your 2022 reading list.

Start Your How to Get Rich Journey With These Five Books

When we talk about successful people, we think about Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, and Oprah Winfrey. These individuals have something in common: their habit of reading, from newspapers and books to financial documents that help them build their knowledge bases. If you’d want to tap into this cheat, here are some of the best get rich books that you’d want to start reading as soon as possible:

  1. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Referred to as the “granddaddy of all motivational literature,” this book delves into some of the most important principles that will help you become more successful, from the first step of desiring something to acting and persisting until you achieve it. Napoleon Hill’s success philosophy would no doubt reverberate with anyone passionate enough to achieve their goals. Buy Think & Grow Rich in the Philippines in some of the leading bookstores and online book shops.

  1. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

A timeless classic when it comes to How to Get Rich books, The Richest Man in Babylon explores the topics of financial planning, personal wealth, and debt. You’ll learn about the basics of finances and economics, as well as how to effectively save your earnings, which will help you navigate the slippery slope of personal financing. What’s great about The Richest Man in Babylon, however, is that it’s able to explain some of the complex concepts in an easy-to-understand language.

  1. Screw It, Let’s Do It: Lessons in Life by Richard Branson

Richard Branson is a business magnate and investor who has raked in billions through his entrepreneurial pursuits and investment choices. In Screw It, Let’s Do It, he shares the governing principles that he believes have helped him in his road to success, from being persistent in the pursuit of your goals, to loving what you do. If you’re looking for a positive how to get rich book about success that can also serve as a pick-me-up after a long tiring day at work, this would be perfect for you.

  1. You’re So Money: Live Rich, Even When You’re Not by Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh Torabi offers a fun, realistic approach to personal finances with You’re So Money: Live Rich, Even When You’re Not. A how to get rich book specifically designed for people who like spending but are also hell-bent on achieving their goals, this is a great introduction to concepts and principles that you need to understand to avoid increasing debt and achieve financial bliss. This book will help you better plan out your finances and improve the way you splurge or save.

  1. Unshakeable by Tony Robbins

In Unshakeable, Tony Robbins focuses on investment strategies and principles that can help speed up your journey to financial freedom. From learning how to win the investment game to understanding how to navigate Wall Street, this book gives you unmatched wisdom about your finances, retirement plans, and maximized profits. With thousands of rave reviews backing Unshakeable, there’s no doubt that this is one of the best get rich books in the market today.


5 Reading Habits You Need to Adopt to Be Successful

Aside from knowing which books to read, building the habit of reading is a crucial part of being as consistent as possible with your goals. When you start by building a habit of reading the best get rich books, not only will you find the best wisdom to adapt, but you’ll be able to filter the things that are applicable to you. To help you, here are five reading habits you need to adopt:

  1. Allocate a specific time for your reading habit

Be it an hour or two, make sure that you allocate a specific time in your busy schedules to focus on reading without being distracted. It doesn’t matter whether you’re reading books about making money or books for entertainment purposes – you need to do it regularly. Maybe you’d want to do it the hour before you go to sleep, or an hour after you wake up, depending on which time you think works best.

For the first few weeks, you can do a scoreboard to monitor your progression and whether your habit building is working. If you notice that it’s not, consider changing up your schedule until you find the perfect time.

  1. Keep a notebook

Whenever you’re reading, always have a notebook and pen at your side so that you can write down anything that you think is relevant for you. This will help you take notes and have your own personalized guide on the things that you’re reading about. In addition, having this notebook will aid in better retention since you can go over your notes any time you want.

  1. Do not read lying down

One of the most important things to remember if you want to be successful in building a reading habit is to never lie down while reading, especially when you’re only getting the hang of reading. For books on how to become rich, this might be a bit challenging especially with books that like to go into technical details. The relaxation that reading brings will make you sleepy, and you will end up abandoning your book. Consider reading while sitting up at your desk, or you can even walk around to stop yourself from becoming drowsy.

  1. Build your library

Building your own library doesn’t mean that you need to fill up a room with every book that you know of and splurge an obscene amount of money on hard bounds. There are hundreds of shops in the Philippines where you could buy cheap books online or even digital copies for a Kindle or an eBook reader. Fill your library with books that you’re interested in, not just books that you think might be a great conversation starter.

  1. Set a goal

One of the best ways to motivate yourself into making reading a habit is by doing a book goal, where you set a number of books that you’d want to read within a month or a year. You may tweak these goals by maybe doing something more specific, like wanting to read all the books on this best get rich books list that we’ve come up with. You may also want to try and build up your goals if you think that your goals are becoming easier to achieve.

Buy the Best Get Rich Books at Affordable Prices at

If you’re planning on investing in how to get rich books, it doesn’t mean that you need to spend a lot of money just to start reading. That would be highly counterproductive if you ask me. The good news is that at, you can get your hands on some of the best book titles, either in paperback or on digital copies, but with affordable prices that wouldn’t put a dent in your bank account. Browse our book selection today and start feeding your reading habit.