The Five Best Self-Help Books to Read for Young Adults

Unless proven otherwise, it's safe to say that no one's perfect, and nobody's life is perfect. At any given moment, we could all probably use some tips from self-help books for advice about work, productivity, relationships, motivation -- you name it. And it's especially true now, considering the year 2020 threw us one major curveball after another.

During unprecedented, trying times, there's absolutely no shame in admitting you need a bit of help. When motivational quotes on Pinterest and Bible verses just won't cut it anymore, here's the ultimate list of self-improvement books for young adults.

Pick any of these up if you need inspiration, advice, or even just a little pep talk. You can find most of these self-help books in the Philippines, online or in-store.


The Best Self-Improvement Books for Young Adults

Not all self-help books are made equal. Some help you start out on your personal endeavors, while others give you a boost when you've attained experience already.

Here are the best self-help books to read to kickstart your adulting journey.


How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Of course, we should start this list of self-help books with a timeless classic. Since its release in 1936, it has sold over 30 million copies worldwide.

This timeless bestseller is packed with rock-solid advice that has carried thousands of now famous people up their personal and professional ladders of success. Until today, Dale Carnegie's principles endure to help you achieve your ultimate potential in an increasingly complex and competitive world.

Read this book and learn the six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to win people with your principles, and the nine ways to influence people without eliciting resentment. Shop it today at!


Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Did you love the best-selling novel "Eat Pray Love?" Well then, you're in for a treat with Big Magic. This is one of the best self-improvement books for young adults, specifically for those in the arts and creatives industry. For instance, if you're a writer, an artist or a creator of any type and struggle with bouts of creative blockages that prevent you from pursuing your passion to the fullest, you'll want to give this a read.

From overcoming fear and forming new habits to surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, this self-help book dissects the obstacles a creative person may face in reaching for their dreams. Gilbert adopts an honest, no-nonsense, and conversational tone all throughout, helping you ignite the fire in your soul once more and chase after your goals. One of the unique highlights of this book is that Gilbert uses real-life examples from various individuals who have endured in their own creative feats, and came out victorious.


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

The book's title may be abrasive but behind the aggressive words is a hilarious and compassionate exploration of the human psyche, especially in today's current time when self-improvement is dominated by the ethos in which we feel we'll never be good enough.

Its approach? You guessed it -- don't give a f*ck. By subverting common perspectives and attitudes found in most self-improvement books for young adults, author Mark Manson presents a fresh and surprisingly humanistic view on how to achieve sustainable happiness. This is one of the best-self help books to read as it has the power to change your approach to self-improvement in a way that will influence and benefit you for the rest of your life. Despite its rash first impression, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a refreshingly progressive guide to self-love.


Getting There: A Book of Mentors by Gillian Zoe Segal

As the title suggests, Getting There is truly a book of mentors. It's a collection of autobiographical essays that are candid and unique to each individual, while also defining clear patterns of what it takes to succeed. What makes this book stand out is that it doesn't offer the typical pieces of advice such as dreaming big, being honest with yourself, and other tips found in thousands of listicles online.

Gillian Segal did the most proactive thing imaginable -- she interviewed some of the world's most successful individuals. In turn, thirty leaders in diverse fields dish out their success secrets in a direct, engaging, and honest way. They share not only practical and essential career advice, but also timeless wisdom applicable to life in general.

Do you like to be inspired? Are you seeking direction in your professional life? Or do you fear that you may never achieve your goals? If so, Getting There is not just one of the best self-improvement books for young adults, it might just be the best self-help book for you.


Make Time: How To Focus On What Matters Every Day by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

How do you measure your productivity? Are you the type to fill each day with activities just to feel productive?

According to Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky, there's more to life than being busy 24/7 and getting distracted. To make the most out of your 24 hours, you don't need to have a social media detox during your work shift or even keep your phone away from your keyboard as you get your tasks done. Sometimes, it's as simple as making small adjustments in your routine and setting aside time for the things that make you happy. Doing so will help you avoid feeling perpetually tired.

Make Time is one of the best books for self-improvement today, especially at a time when information endlessly refreshes, each workday feels like a race, and distraction has become a default state of being. This book helps you take control of your time and attention so that you won't feel burdened by constant busyness and exhaustion.


Be the Best Version of Yourself, Read Self-Help Books Today

Now that you've got a list of the best self-improvement books for young adults, what should you do next? Read them all?

While we do recommend reading all of them, we only have so much brain energy to take in and digest all the newfound knowledge. Go with your gut instinct first and select the one you think will help you the most at this given point in time. For the most part, selecting self-help books to read is a highly personal decision, especially since this genre is not a one-size-fits-all. People respond differently to a wide range of topics, tones, and styles. Finding the best self-help books for you can be a trial and error process.

Hopefully with our list of self-help books to read, you can get a head start on your reading journey. Happy reading!